Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Boys

I have always felt since Nicholas was very little that he had this gentle, sweet, and loving spirit. There is a kindness about him that is so touching. I don't see it on a day to day to day basis but when I do it stops me right where I'm at and I am reminded of what a special boy he is. Tonight was a perfect illustration of that loving spirit.
Aron was climbing up the stairs and normally Nicholas is so busy running around in his own little world that he would just blow right by him and be off to the next thing. But tonight he got down next to Aron and crawled up a few stairs with him and was talking to him just as if Aron could really understand what he was saying and have a conversation with him. Aron turned and sat on the stair and Nicholas sat right next to him and said, "Aron, I think about you when I'm at school all day. I think about you cuz I love you buddy. I care about you all day when I'm at school." I was up in Nicholas' and Aron's room putting away laundry and heard this and just stopped. These are the moments in our journey as mothers that make all the everyday trials and tribulations seem so worth it. These are the moments that you feel reassured that you are doing something right. I live for these moments.
This is a perfect example of why I wanted to do this blog. I want to remember moments like these and if I don't write them down, they will all too soon fade away and be lost in the everyday chaos of this season of my life.

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