Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hello Everyone!

I am very excited to start this blog for many, many reasons.

I think it will be a great way to stay connected with friends and family. Life is crazy with four wonderful, energetic children and I think this will be a good way for everyone to keep up on what’s happening with us.

Also, as most of you know, I love, love, love scrapbooking and this is nice way for me to keep up on the journaling part of my scrapbooks. I have gotten very behind so when I scrapbook something that is—dare I say—from a year ago or sometimes even more, I have a hard time recalling exactly what I was thinking at the time or what I would have written back then. I can’t tell you how many times one of the kids has said or done something that I wanted to be sure to remember, and within a few days I couldn’t think of what it was. I’m hoping to be able to keep up with this blog, even if it’s only a few snippets every day or two, and then I will have more memories of our family recorded.

Another reason I wanted to start this was to keep everyone in the loop on our little Aron. Many of our friends and family are not fully aware of Aron’s condition, so we would like to “educate” everyone, so to speak. A lot happens with him in a relatively short amount of time, so by having this blog we will be able to update everyone on his progress. I have found some wonderful online support groups for parents who have a child with Aron’s genetic condition, and since we’re all sharing stories, it would be nice to be able to have Aron’s history down somewhere so we don’t have to recount it every time we meet someone new. To learn more about Aron, please visit his page on Paul’s Web site. http://paulgreenland.com/aron.aspx

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