Monday, April 27, 2009

Finally a Post!

Well I haven't been as on top of this blog thing as much as I would like but I'm vowing that I will get better! It seems like free time is very lacking these days since Addison and Aron either do not want to nap or don't nap at the same time. As a matter of fact as I am typing this right now a very tired and fussy Aron is slobbering all over my knee and Addison is probably coloring on the kitchen floor or rummaging through the fridge.

So, I had a birthday last week and thanks to my husband I am maintaining my blog on my very own laptop! I was very surprised and very, very excited! He even went so far as to get me a pink mouse to go with it. What a guy!

Other news: Taylor has been in a forensics competion over the past two weeks and Saturday was the regional competion. She did very well and we are so proud of her!

Addison continues to entertain me as always. We went to Walmart this morning for a few things
and as we were in the checkout she was her usual chatty self, talking with the pregnant lady in line behind us. She started telling her about her brother and her pink shoes that she was wearing and that she was buying an umbrella. This was all innocent enough and then the curious 3 year old emerged and asked the very pregnant mom, Why is your tummy so big?" The lady told her she had a baby in there and Addison then asked, "How did that baby get in there?" Luckily by that time I was swiping my debit card and we were packing up to go.

On the way home she gave me the play by play like she often does. We were stopped at a light and she saw a goose in the grass at Dairy Queen. I asked her what she thought the goose was doing. Did she think the goose was going for icecream? She matter of factly replied, "No, she's eating yard. That girl makes me laugh everyday!

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