Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Another day, another pair of undewear...

We've stayed in all day today in hopes of being a successful passenger on the potty train. Addison woke up this morning and decided she was going to wear underwear and keep them dry. Good for her to have a positve attitude. Since this morning we have had 6 pairs of underwear on and it's not quite 3:00. That's about a pair an hour. Gotta give her credit for trying I guess. Each time she's wet, she wants to put underwear back on instead of a diaper. That's something I suppose. She's got her ticket and she's determined to ride the potty train!

Taylor's looking forward to a field trip tomorrow at Severson Dells. I'm glad to see we're supposed to have nice weather. Tomorrow night is her 2nd grade concert at Machesney Elementary which she is also looking forward to. She is definitely a very outgoing girl who loves lots of different activities and is not afraid to get right in there and join the fun. I love that about her and I hope that she will always be so confident. I will try to do my part to continue to encourage her and nuture that part of her.

This morning she was sitting with me watching the news and she saw Farrah Fawcett's name on the screen. She laughed that Farrah was a name. She informed me that Farrah was a hairstyle, not a name. Oh the things she's learning in 2nd grade!

Nicholas had a play date with Emma from down the street on Sunday. On Friday he came home from school and said, "Guess what mom? Emma had a pretty dress on today." He's a very complimentary young man. We walked down to get her for their playdate and he told her she better ride her bike down because he lived several miles down the street. On the way home after dropping her off, he asked when he could take her to breakfast. I suggested maybe she could come for hotdogs for lunch sometime and he thought that sounded ok.

Aron is finally well. No ear or sinus infections. He went for a recheck from the recheck on Friday and she gave him the all clear. It's about time. He had 20 straight days of ear drop antibiotics four times a day. That's 8o doses!

He and Nicholas are going on May 21st for tubes. Aron is having his right one replaced and Nicholas is getting them for the first time. Nicholas has fluid in both ears that's been there for a long time so this should take care of that and prevent further problems.

Now it's time for me to switch loads and get Addison into the bathroom!

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