Tuesday, June 9, 2009

It's Been Awhile!

You know it's been too long since your last posting when you forgot your password to get into your account and have to reset it! I actually started to write this post on June 9th and obviously got distracted because I never finished it. So, I'll leave some of that info and update where necessary.

The kids are having a fun, busy summer so far. Last week, Taylor, Nicholas, and Addison went to vacation bible school. They all had a really good time. That was Addison's first time doing anything like that all on her own. Of course she had no trouble--she just went right in and found her group and joined right in. I wouldn't be surprised if she led the group next time. :)

Two weeks ago Taylor went to a "spirit squad" day camp. She had a great time doing cheers and making hair scruchies. In a few weeks she will go back to camp for "mad science." She's especially looking forward to that and two of her girlfriends will also be in that camp.

We've been going to the library and the park, running through the sprinkler, having playdates with friends, etc. Time is going by very quickly. I've been working on "school activites" with them also. Taylor gets her worksheets done before I can even get Addison and Nicholas settled. It's a struggle to get her to get her reading done though. She'd rather play Webkinz on the computer all day with Olivia.

Nicholas has improved a lot with his writing over the past couple of months. He has started karate at the Y and is really enjoying it. There's another Nicholas in his class with the same exact birthdate and year. Weird huh?!

Taylor had her first appointment with a vision therapist about a month ago. Taylor has "exercises" that she will be doing to improve the vision in her left eye. The hope is to get her vision in that eye to 20/40 which is legal for driving. When we get to that point she will no longer need her glasses for protection of her "good eye" and she will be fitted for a contact lense in the left eye. She was excited to hear this since she hates to wear her glasses. This keeps her motivated to do her exercises. Pretty simple stuff actually. She has glasses that have a red and a green lens (like 3D glasses) and she wears them while watching tv or playing on the computer and we put red and green cellophane over the screen. The point being, that if she is not using both of her eyes she won't be able to see the whole picture on the screen. She also has some tracing activites that she does while wearing the glasses. Again, if she's not using both of her eyes, she won't be able to see the picture in order to trace it. It's actually very fascinating stuff.

Taylor has since been back for a recheck and her vision has improved significantly. She went from 20/200 to 20/70 in a matter of three weeks! We will go back for another recheck the 3rd week of July.

We are very excited to learn that our insurance company has reviewed our appeal and reversed their decision about CHOP. They just finished reviewing all of Aron's medial records and met with their "team" to discuss who he should see while he is out there. He will have 14 different appointments while we are there. Now his file has moved to "complex scheduling" and when they figure everything out they will call us with the dates of when we will go. It looks like it will be late fall or early winter.

I am thrilled to report that since my last posting, Addison is completely potty trained. Once she decided she was ready, it was very easy. I was a little worried last week when she was at VBS because I wasn't with her to remind her and she was still pretty new at the whole potty business but she did remarkably well and did not have any accidents!

Aron is using his little muscles to stand from a squatting position without holding on to anything. His little thighs are going to be built up in no time the way he continues to squat and then get up over and over. Yesterday he even stayed stainding while I handed him his cup and drank from it. He's definiely getting stronger everyday.

It's also been wonderful to discover that he is understanding more and more of what we are telling him. The other day, I was calling him from the other room and he "called back" back to me saying maaamaaa. At first I wasn't sure I heard him right so I did it again and sure enough he kept calling me after I would call him.

Yesterday he was a little peeved at Paul for installing a lock on his favorite drawer in the kitchen. He loves to empty out the tupperware drawer which is harmless enough but when there is 50 pieces of tupperware and he does it 50 times a day, it can be a little exhausting---for me.

Last Wednesday Paul and I started volunteering for the Awana program at our church. I think it's going to be a very rewarding experience to work with the kids. It's a great family activity that we all participate in. We go at 5:30 and have dinner first and then we're off to shepherd the kids!

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