Thursday, September 24, 2009


Today I am vastly aware of how blessed I am to have two wonderful little boys. They both certainly challenge me and stretch me in many ways but they make up for it with their sweet, loving spirit.

Every day, I mean every day, Nicholas comes bounding in through the door after school with a huge grin on his face just so happy to be in the comfort of our home; and humbly I add-- to see his mom. He always runs to find me if I'm not in the kitchen when he comes through the door. I ask him how his day was and he says, "good" with a smile so big his eyes are barely open and with a few fidgets of his hand, while bouncing on his toes. These little quirks are what makes Nicholas, Nicholas.

Today, Aron fell asleep on the way home from dropping Addison off at preschool. It's unlike him to be so sleepy that early in the morning. I thought for sure when I took him out of the car when we got home that he would wake up and be ready to play. To my surprise, he stayed asleep so I held him for a good hour before he woke up. I didn't get any of the things done I was planning to do while Addison was at school today; but I can't think of a better use of my time during that hour.

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